I have done an article about my concert experiences over at the fantastic site The David Chronicles. The site features a host of very talented writers expressing very similar stuff to what I talk about on this site. They asked me to write an article and I happily obliged. A big thanks to Liz for making this happen.
here to go to the article!
Thats really nice idea..and i wish to thank for your concern..hope u have a good time..
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Garoto, voce canta muito mal. Parabens!
Hummm are that kid from Idol... Thas so funny Iwas just going next blog to next blog. Man I knew you were a Libra..... Most of the are great sijngers but more than that intertainers. You better be prepared for the up coming transit of Saturn into Libra. Its coming bout Aug os Sept im not exactly sure. It will be most difficult two and a half years of your life. And it will be in Libra again in 3 years. If you are making any deals , you better make them now in the next few months that you have left. Dont laugh at this its seriuos! Take care I think your a wonderful artisttttttt
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