So why does this mean alot to me? It confirms so much of what I believe about David. There has been alot of talk about Davids credibility and respect in the industry lately and how it could potentially get worse, but this shows just how respected he is as a musician and an artist to others. For one of the highest calibre of musicians in the world from the opposite side of the musical spectrum to actually take his time and go out to see David on his solo tour (notice the backstage pass) and then for this picture to be posted on his site says so much and heres why. Dream Theater exist in a world where commercial pop music is frowned upon. For him to post a picture of himself with a teenage popstar at their concert is potentially catastrophic to his credibility and image in that world of music (put it this way, he wouldnt show himself with Miley Cyrus or the JoBros) but all the comments made have been nothing but positive. It really confims Davids credibility, only the best get that universal respect. The mere fact he went to the concert and then let his fans know about it speaks absolute volumes. David is a respected and credible artist. He and his family are clearly fans. I almost jumped out my seat when I saw this pic and then when I realised it was from one of Davids shows and he had been to it, it made me even happiar. You see, musicians get David because they identify what we feel from David. That connection and communication. Hes not just any pop star.
Two musical worlds colliding. I just wonder if David had any clue who he is haha.
You are so right, did not see that coming at all. This just amazes me, but it speaks to the professional respect for each others contributions. The recognition from such a pro can only help bolster David's rep in the industry. Thank you for posting this, it also reinforces my feelings for David's professionalism, abilities and his sure future as an artist and musician. I love your posts, keep them coming. Thanks again!!!
HUGE. And amazing. This is such a validation of David's stature as a musician.
Thanks Chenson for posting this. Aside from the fact that he is from my generation,my daughter plays the drums so am familiar with Portnoy.
BTW, I posted a link at justDavid to this article. Hope you don't mind :)
I have absolutely no idea who they are Chris, but I'll take your word for it lol.
But based on this article you've written, I say this pic is just way cool :D
Thank you so much for your post and letting us know about Mike going to David's show. I know who Mike Portnoy is (my bf is from the UK) and agree that it is a huge validation of David's musical genius and unique talent that Mike is a fan. World's are colliding for sure but I'd like to think that David is someone really universal if you know what I mean. I've always enjoyed reading your posts on other sites Chenson and hope your blog is a success. I'll certainly keep coming by to check it out!
Hey Chens, do you have the link to Portnoy's website?
I wonder if the connection is via Mike K., David's guitarist - he's worked with a looot of cool folks.
I bet Eli was thrilled that Portnoey was there!
So cooooool!!!!
So awesome, thanks for posting, Chenson. I am only vaguely aware of Portnoy but want to know more now! This picture IS worth a thousand words!
This is AWESOME especially since David is going to Tour the UK. Thanks for posting.
David is very universal and his fan base proves that, from pre-teens to retired fans and in between. From the US, Asia, Phillipines, Japan, Central America, Brazil, well you get the idea!!!
This speaks volumes for David's career as a true artist!!
chenson, i seriously love you for this amazing post. david makes me soooo proud to be his fan. :)
thanks so much for sharing this wonderful info with us.
thanks for this chens!!!!! i saved this post haha :) i know this is uncool to do but my inside is screaming it, so i'm gonna scream it out - i toldya so doubting world!!!!! :D my picture of where i see david in the future formed quite early on in my obsession with him, n there are several distinct stages in its evolution [btw david looks great in old age too haha :D ]. and so far, the pointers are in the right direction! if u were listening, he never WAS just another pop star! sorry. had to get it out :) - DL
I really loved this! Thank you so much for posting! I have added it to my site at ArchuletaAvenue.com. I hope that is okay!
chenson thanks for the post!!!
i visited the site of mike portnoy and i was amazed to see that all of his pictures with other celebrities are mostly in the same music side of his except for DAVID!!! which i think is great and proves that DAVID is not just any other pop star!!!! he's respected!!!!
and i love that he took his time to see an artist who is much younger that him & with such different kind music than his....
“…I just wonder if David had any clue who he is haha.”
I hope he has. Many young men like you (and David, I hope) know and admire Dream Theater. I have a young nephew that looove them! He played their music at age of 16… he is 20 y/o now. If you would like to watch, here´s the link:
Excuse me if my spelling is not very good, cause english is not my native language… I am brazilian and our language is Portuguese! But I improved my English a little ‘for the love of the Archuleta’! lol
Thank you so much for your post and letting us know about Mike going to David's show..Great to know about this..thank u..tk..
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Best wishes with the drumming and have fun in London on behalf of Stirring Trouble Internationally I wish you and your future all the best.
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