Since the removal of Rascals fantastic blog, notingdavid, the David Archuleta fan community has been lacking a real commentator and a place to go to hear a slightly different, more artistically centered analysis of David and his career. Rascal did a fantastic job in providing us with exactly that but for reasons unknown to almost all of us, his site has been terminated unexpectedly. This role needs to be continued, the torch carried on, the gap filled. Rascals blog was a necessary staple of the Archuleta fanbase diet, a very popular part too, and is in substantial need of continuing after American Idol. This is where i step in.
I myself am a student of music, an aspiring musician and a great lover of all things music. Ive been a fan and follower since very early on. David has become a massive part of my musical interest over the past three months causing me to become an IDF visitor, Fanblast regular and moderator over at Planet Idol (www.planetidol.org). I have dedicated many an hour contemplating his talent, his music and his artistry completely in awe of everything he does. This is now my opportunity to carry on where Rascal left off and channel all of these thoughts to this one place. David Archuleta has left a lasting impression on thousands, millions of us worldwide. Anywhere where American Idol is possible to be seen, David has touched someones heart. We have been blessed with a singing talent and gracious human being that does not come around all too often. He is young. His journey is its earliest stages. There is a real star that shall blossom as time goes by, as his person and his talent develops and matures into a fully fledged man and whole hearted artist of music. That journey is worth talking about.
So here we go, American Idol is over but its only just begun. Hopefully I can fill that gap that Rascal left with the absence of notingdavid.
Thanks for doing this, chenson. I look forward to your posts. I discovered Rascal's blog fairly late in the season and only participated within the last week. At least I got to interact with the regular readers before Noting David got shut down.
Anyway, looking forward to your efforts in bearing the torch.
chens! I'm so happy you decided to start a blog. I love reading your thoughts, and it's great to hear from somebody who is a student and lover of music. I'll be checking in regularly!
BTW, "bee" is me, soundscene (Lisa). lol. Google/blogger is one of the few websites that I don't go by soundscene. Hehe.
This is very exciting, thanks for starting this blog.
This is great chenson! I've always loved your comments at IDF. Thank you for starting this blog
This looks like a cool blog for Archie! Thanks for taking on the torch!
Aww this looks great, Chris! Great start to what I know will be an insightful blog about all things David. You can be sure that I'll be checking in on a regular basis to read your thoughts.
This is awesome Chris! I miss Rascal's blog too, so I really appreciate you for doing this. You always had good things to say. I'll definitely be checking this out regularly.
Looking forward to your blog. Great way to support Archie and to keep those of us that don't have your musical knowledge informed about what's going on with David.
Chris, amazing blog! I am not familiar with Rascal's writing, as it was gone by the time I heard of it, however, I was impressed with your eloquent articulation!
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